Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hi all
As promised here are the diagrams that you will be tested on next Monday (12/8). Study them over the weekend. All the information regarding the functions of the camera is contained in earlier posts on this blog. It is important to note that you will be leaving your iPads at the door for this part of the lesson. If any of you are feeling unsure or need clarification on any aspects of this task please come and see me or send me an email. Enjoy Retreat!

For the enlarger you will need to remember the following from this diagram:

 Lamp/ light source, Filter Drawer, Height Adjustment Lever, Negative Carrier, Enlarging lense, Focusing Knob & Baseboard


From this diagram you will need to be able to label the following parts

 AND explain their functions: Lens, Shutter speed indicator, ISO selector, F-stops (also known as the Aperture Ring), Focus Ring, Rewind Lever, Film advance & Shutter button.

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